Sunday, May 13, 2007

Rians Geburi

Tanggal 12 Mei kemarin, Rian turned 3. This was the first time he understands what birthday means. He was looking forward to his birthday since last monday. He even sang the german song we usually play in our car, "morgen habe ich Geburtstag, freue mich schon seit Tagen drauf...." (besok saya ulang tahun, hari yang saya nanti-nanti sejak berhari-hari). Nggak seperti ultah Rian yang kedua, ultah kali ini kita nggak ngundang banyak orang. Diantaranya yang datang kemarin: Savira dan keluarga, Fred, Matthias, Pierre dan Shiho (tetangga atas) dan Ade.

We thought it was a good mixture of people. They come from different background but could still talk to each other. The party started at 3 in the afternoon. The first guest who came of course our neighbor, Shiho and Pierre. Half an hour later fred came. At 4 the rest of them arrived (ngaretnya 1 jam yah... :P).

Waktu kita semua nyanyi Happy Birthday buat Rian, menurut feeling gue Rian terharu. Kelihatan nggak ya difoto ini?

Lalu seperti biasa, dia tiup lilin, tapi nggak berhasil. Akhirnya si ibu turun tangan:D

Selebihnya, biar foto aja ya yang bicara......
PS. We thank our Photographer eNur for many nice pictures he took.

1 comment:

Piw said...

met ultah Rian, semoga hidupnya penuh dengan berkah. aamiin. mau dong makanannya :D