Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Nadia!

"Happy Birthday my little girl. Mama doakan semoga Nadia menjadi anak yang sholeh, berbakti pada orang tua, tambah pintar, cantik dan selalu riang. Amiiin... "

It's hard to believe that a year has already passed since I first laid eyes on her sweet face. The last year has been a whirlwind of joy as she discovers the wide world around her. So much has happened. She has grown so much in the last year, it is incredible! It's like watching Rian grows up all over again. Rian is fantastic with his sister, and it's great to watch Rian share in Nadia's triumphs.

Yesterday we had a small chocolate cake to celebrate Nadia's birthday. As you can see Nadia and Rian really enjoyed their cake. It was difficult to take good pictures of her that day, because she was always excited for everything coming in front of her.

Anyway, I could manage to cook, organize some ballons (balonnya kecil-kecil, secara gue takut sama balon dan nggak mau niup sampe balonnya gede, sieun bitu euy) and wrap 3 presents (Rian helped me!). Though Nadia doesn't understand Birthday, I hope she still likes it.

Not much I can write for you, my sweet heart. You have learned so many things, you have taught me so many things... You are the light of my life. I will always love you!

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